Email Agriculture Minister Tara Moriarty

We need to send a message to the Agricuture Minister Tara Moriarty and Premier Chris Minns that we do not want archaic, outdated, cruel and ineffective nets back in our beaches.

Taking this action will make a difference.We need to put pressure on the Labor Government and let them know the community does not support them.

Keep the killer nets out! 

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Please remain politie in your email.

Some points you could include:

The majority of the community do not want these cruel and ineffective nets.

The latest departmental performance report notes that more than 90% of the catch were non-target animals, including harmless sharks, rays, turtles, dolphins and seals.

 There is no scientific evidence that shark nets reduce the risk of shark bite. 

Nets are outdated and do not work. Drone survelillance and active beach patrols are proven to be much more effective

All shark nets provide is a false sense of security 

Australia is one of the only countries in the world to use this outdated technology 

Almost half the sharks caught in the nets are actually on the inside of the net.