NSW Labor must stop supporting battery cage hens

NSW Labor must stop supporting battery cage hens

Across Australia, up to 12 million ‘battery’ hens are imprisoned in small cages to provide consumers with “cheap eggs”. The majority of these tortured birds are found right here in New South Wales.

Despite knowing this, both Labor and the Liberal/National party have decided to ignore community concern and all expert evidence from welfare professionals by supporting the cruel battery cage egg industry.

And now NSW Labor is trying to make the situation even worse than allowing cages to continue. 

Labor's amendments to the Inquiry report support the industry lying that ‘conventional cages’ were being phased out and ...

Across Australia, up to 12 million ‘battery’ hens are imprisoned in small cages to provide consumers with “cheap eggs”. The majority of these tortured birds are found right here in New South Wales.

Despite knowing this, both Labor and the Liberal/National party have decided to ignore community concern and all expert evidence from welfare professionals by supporting the cruel battery cage egg industry.

And now NSW Labor is trying to make the situation even worse than allowing cages to continue. 

Labor's amendments to the Inquiry report support the industry lying that ‘conventional cages’ were being phased out and replaced by ‘furnished cages’ with a definition eerily similar to the battery cage - 550 cm of space per hen, imprisoned inside a cage, with no evidence of welfare improvements.

We need to take urgent action.

Email NSW Labor demanding they change their position on cages and call for the immediate resignation of the Labor Shadow Minister for Agriculture who made these shameless deals with industry.



Email NSW Labor

NSW Labor not only supports the cruel battery cage egg industry but now they are supporting Industry’s desire to lie to consumers and hide the truth about the way hens are treated in this country. 

Email NSW Labor, demanding that they change their position on cages and call for the immediate resignation of the Labor Shadow Minister for Agriculture who made these shameless deals with Industry.


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